Curriculum Overview
The curriculum at East Buchanan C-1 Schools is aligned to statewide standards, and is created, defined and evaluated by the local school district.
Standards vs. Curriculum
What is the difference between standards and curriculum?
Standards define the knowledge and skills students need in each grade level and course for success in college, other post-secondary training and/or careers. Standards are established at the state level and provide a foundation for each school district to develop their curriculum.
Curriculum, which includes coursework, co-curricular activities and other school-approved educational experiences, is the school's formal plan to fulfill the mission and expectations for student learning. The curriculum links the school's beliefs, its expectation for student learning and its instructional practices.
A district's curriculum will not contain everything a teacher will say and do in a classroom. The district curriculum should include those items all teachers are expected to implement, administrators will monitor and the district will evaluate.
Missouri Learning Standards
The Missouri Learning Standards Expectations define the knowledge and skills students need in each grade level and course for success in college, other post-secondary training and careers. These expectations are aligned to the Show-Me Standards, which define what all Missouri high school graduates should know and be able to do and represent the foundation for skills and knowledge that Missourians believe are essential to student success.
The Missouri Learning Standards help ensure students learn basic and higher-order skills, including problem solving and critical thinking. The standards are relevant to the real world and reflect the knowledge and skills students need to achieve their goals. Learning outcomes improve when students, parents and teachers work together toward shared goals. The Missouri Learning Standards give school administrators, teachers, parents and students a road map for learning expectations in each grade and course.
The Missouri Learning Standards do not dictate curriculum. Teachers and administrators, with the help of the community and the approval and support of the East Buchanan School Board of Education, make local decisions about curriculum, instructional strategies, materials and textbooks.
As East Buchanan continues to develop and revise curriculum that is aligned to the state standards and responsive to the individual learning needs of students, the continued support of the parents, students and all of the greater community is essential.
The mission of the East Buchanan Curriculum is to promote student success by implementing conditions and strategies to maximize the opportunities for this success. Our expectations are for each student to master the educational requirements established by the district, especially through the curriculum and the standards upon which they are based, in order to acquire a positive self-concept, and to be able to adopt, contribute, and excel in a changing world.
Parents and the Missouri Learning Standards
For more information on the Missouri Learning Standards and Expectations, please visit the link below.
East Buchanan C-1 Schools Curriculum
The mission of the East Buchanan Curriculum is to promote student success by implementing conditions and strategies to maximize the opportunities for this success. Our expectations are for each student to master the educational requirements established by the district, especially through the curriculum and the standards upon which they are based, in order to acquire a positive self-concept, and to be able to adapt, contribute, and excel in a changing world.
Curriculum Development, Revision, and Evaluation
Educational needs are ever-changing, and in order to meet the needs of our students, the curriculum must be ever-changing as well. This is a daunting task that requires the participation of various administrative and instructional staff as well as the involvement of parents and students in order to improve the quality of instructional programs. A systematic plan to develop, evaluate, and revise the curriculum has been established for each curricular area to be reviewed and revised on a regular basis, taking into account the needs of students.
The curriculum revision process promotes positive changes in an instructional program. Revision allows for areas of weakness to be determined and corrected, providing the best educational background for our students. Revision also ensures continued alignment with the state standards in all content areas and at all grade levels. Continuous communication between teachers is also a result of revision.
A curriculum review committee, appointed by the superintendent, is comprised of individuals qualified in designated areas, building principals, the curriculum coordinator, and parents. These individuals study, revise, and/or develop curriculum programs, units and guides for specific areas. The committee may also request community and student input.
Course Descriptions and Rationales
The following describes a brief summary of the students' significant learning experiences for each East Buchanan course, called the course description, and the purpose and necessity for each course, called the course rationale.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION--Although inquiring minds want to know, there is still a process being carried out, including student, parent, and community input. Your patience is appreciated!!
At East Buchanan we Value...
teaching and encouraging students to solve problems and make decisions that benefit themselves and others.
continual assessment of students' master of essential learning skills to monitor progress, reinforce the purpose of learning, and prepare for post-secondary education and/or training.
holding teachers and students accountable to high standards, not only academically but in conduct as well.
encouraging students to be responsible, respectful, and self-disciplined members of a community.
collaboration with parents and community members to nurture a productive learning climate for all students.