East Buchanan High School
A+ Financial Incentives Program
The A+ Financial Incentives Program represents a comprehensive program of curricular, instruction, and technological developments and improvements designed to better meet the needs of all students, regardless of whether they plan to attend a traditional four-year college, a community college, a vocational or technical school, or plan to seek employment immediately out of high school.
The primary goals of this program are:
All students graduate from high school;
All students complete a selection of high school studies that is challenging and for which there are identified learning expectations; and
All students proceed from high school graduation to a traditional college or post-secondary vocational or technical school or high wage job with workplace skill development opportunities.
Students who have signed an agreement may, upon graduation, be eligible to receive financial incentives to attend any Missouri public community college or vocational or technical school. To be eligible, a student must enter into a written agreement with the school and:
Attend an A+ school for two years prior to high school graduation from an A+ high school;
Graduate with at least a 2.5 cumulative G.P.A.;
Maintain a cumulative 95% rate of attendance;
Perform 50 hours of supervised unpaid tutoring or mentoring for other students;
Register for selective service where applicable;
Make a good faith effort to secure all available federal post-secondary student financial assistance funds that do not require repayment (FAFSA). Contact the school you plan to attend for more details.
Starting with the Class of 2015, score proficient or advanced on the Algebra EOC exam.
For more information about the A+ Financial Incentives Program contact the A+ Coordinator, Taylor Barker at 816-424-6460 or barkerrt@ebs.k12.mo.us. You may also visit the Missouri Department of Higher Education, the entity responsible for A+, at A+ Scholarship Program at MO DHE