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6-8 Grade Level Courses


6th Grade Keyboarding Course Rationale

The demand for students equipped with knowledge of and skills in word processing will continue to expand. Training is vital for students planning to enter the workforce. The rationale for the 6th Grade Keyboarding in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students acquire the knowledge and skills required in the technology-based workplace.

6th Grade Keyboarding Course Description

The purpose of 6th Grade Keyboarding is to increase the use of the computer for writing in the Middle School. Areas addressed in 6th Grade Keyboarding include touch keyboarding with a focus on accuracy, speed, correct fingerings, and posture.


7th Grade Computer Literacy I Course Description

The purpose of 7th Grade Computer Literacy I is to teach concepts associated with business applications on the computer. Areas addressed in Computer Literacy I include keyboarding techniques and skills review, introduction to Microsoft Word to expose students to practical examples of the computer as a useful tool so they can become more productive, to acquaint students with the proper procedures to create documents suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal uses, and to develop an exercise-oriented approach that allows learning by doing.

7th Grade Computer Literacy I Course Rationale

The demand for students equipped with knowledge of and skills in word processing will continue to expand. Training is vital for students planning to enter the workforce. The rationale for Computer Literacy I course in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students acquire the knowledge and skills required in the technology-based workplace.

8th Grade Computer Literacy II Course Description

The purpose of 8th Grade Computer Literacy II is for students to learn about desktop publishing software and to be introduced to the world of communication through the Internet and other technologies. Areas addressed in Computer Literacy II include: Excel, a popular spreadsheet program where students will learn to manage and manipulate numerical data in a spreadsheet; PowerPoint, to acquaint students with the proper procedures to create presentations suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal uses. All coursework is presented in an exercise-oriented approach that allows learning by doing so students can become more productive.

8th Grade Computer Literacy II Course Rationale

Business are rapidly expanding their utilization of multi-media functions such as the use of graphics, audio, video, and electronic presentation in business communications. The rationale for the Computer Literacy II course in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students acquire the technological knowledge and skills required to use multimedia technology and desktop publishing.



K-12 Comprehensive Guidance Course Rationale

A good counseling program is necessary to help prepare all students for successful lives after graduation. These include areas of social-emotional health, professional and career skills, and general well-rounded academics and knowledge.

K-12 Comprehensive Guidance Course Description

To prepare students for life after graduation, counselors provide counseling curriculum, individual planning, responsive services, and system supports.

6-8 Comprehensive Counseling Course Description

To prepare students for transition to High School we provide guidance and support in academic and career development.

6-8 Comprehensive Counseling Course Rationale

The Middle School 6-8 grade counseling program is an extension of the district K-12 program, at the middle school we assist students in understanding and overcoming social, behavioral, and academic problems. We monitor and observe students to identify and address personal, emotional, and social issues.



6th Grade ELA Course Description

The purpose of 6th Grade Communication Arts is to provide students with the knowledge to effectively communicate English in both speaking and written forms. Areas addressed in 6th Grade Communication Arts include equipping students with skills to increase reading comprehension; evaluating different genres of literature; vocabulary development; listening; writing; reference skill; and literature interpretation.

6th Grade ELA Course Rationale

Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect, and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for 6th Grade Communication Arts in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to promote in students the development of effective communication skills through a variety of literature and media. 

7th Grade ELA Course Description

The purpose of 7th Grade Communication Arts is to focus on writing processes and the utilization of literature-based resources. Areas addressed in 7th Grade Communication Arts include grammar, mechanics, writing processes, vocabulary skills, and responses to literature.

7th Grade ELA Course Rationale

Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect, and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for 7th Grade Communication Arts in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to create and promote an atmosphere of learning that will enhance and develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills via a wide genre of literature and media.

8th Grade ELA Course Description

The purpose of 8th Grade Communication Arts is to focus on writing processes and the utilization of literature-based materials. Areas addressed in 8th Grade Communication Arts include reading, writing, vocabulary development, literature, reference skills, mechanics, and grammar usage.

8th Grade ELA Course Rationale

Communication skills are central to both cognitive and social development. People communicate on a daily basis to present ideas, find and interpret information, combine knowledge and experience, reflect, and relax, explore possibilities and generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions, and communicate experiences to others. Communication Arts instruction provides for knowledge and skills development in each of these areas. The rationale for 8th Grade Communication Arts in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to develop in students the skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and problem-solving which are essential to success in the workforce and as citizens in an ever-changing society.



8th Grade Family and Consumer Science Course Rationale

To improve the quality of life for students, performance competencies in the Discovering Family Consumer Sciences and Human Services Education programs at the middle school level enable students to: a. experience the broad spectrum of content areas and careers contained in Family Consumer Sciences curriculum; b. develop the social, emotional and character maturity to be able to act responsibly; c. synthesize knowledge from multiple sources; d. work cooperatively as responsible members of society; e. discover the importance of family in our individual lives and in our society.

8th Grade Family and Consumer Science Course Description

This course is designed to help prepare students for multiple roles as individuals and family members. Emphasis is placed upon values clarification, decision making, consumer skills, personal and family relationships, parenting, nutrition, and health and career exploration. Students should begin to develop leadership skills for family, career and community life.

8th Grade Careers Exploration Course Description

Over the course of these lessons, students learn about the National Career Clusters and other potential career pathways they could take. They then explore the educational requirements associated with several different careers. This helps them determine whether their career of choice will be the right fit for the financial lifestyle they want.

8th Grade Career Exploration Course Rationale

The goal of this course is to promote essential knowledge, skills and attitudes students need to make key decisions about career options, high school curricular offerings relating to a pathway of their choice, as well as, post-secondary and workforce opportunities. Instructional focus will address interpersonal skills, management skills, employ-ability skills, self-awareness, educational and career planning. In this course, middle school students will increase student awareness of resources available to support educational and career planning. Students will develop a personalized individual Peach State Pathways: Education and Career Plan, explore management skills, and investigate employ-ability skills.

8th/7th Grade Lifetime Fitness Course Description

The course will focus on individual fitness and activities. The course will help students to recognize the value of physical activity for physical, emotional, and mental health.

8th/7th Grade Lifetime Fitness Course Rationale

Well designed and effective school health and physical education programs allow students to acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skill they need to make health-promoting decisions.

7th Grade Agriculture Course Description

A general literacy course designed to introduce and apply life skills related to one of America's basic industries--agriculture. Units of instruction will be selected from Introduction to Agriculture, Plant Science, Animals in Society, Products from Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation, Leadership and Personal Development, and Basic Home and Farmstead Safety and Maintenance. (CD 016700) 

7th Grade Agriculture Course Rationale

The agriculture program of East Buchanan C-1 School District is dedicated to the development of an educational environment that will help each student grow into a creative, sensitive, and intellectual adult. Our students will develop an awareness of work is society's way of creating, preserving, changing, and improving their environment. Agriculture encompasses the food, fiber, conservation, and natural resource system, employing over 20% of the nation's workforce. Agriculture education intends to: help middle school students become aware of the diversity of areas in agriculture, agriculture science and technology, and natural resources, build awareness of the production of food and the importance of placing the concepts of food production into the next generation, and explore the possible careers within this broad field of agriculture, helping them to become an informed productive citizen in our society. 

7th Grade Art Appreciation Course Description

The development of creativity, problem solving skills, and an appreciation for and understanding of visual arts and their history, are vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. 7th Grade Art Appreciation will address the need to develop in students the ability to assess their own opinions of art and use art vocabulary to communicate those thoughts through written and spoken discussions. Students will also develop the skills needed to acquire information on the history behind a work of art and understand the importance of visual arts in our society. 

7th Grade Art Appreciation Course Rationale

The purpose of 7th Grade Art Appreciation is to develop the skills required to successfully research an artwork's history and then discuss an opinion of the work both verbally and in written form. Areas addressed in Art Appreciation include art production, art research, art history, writing, and art critiques. 

7th Grade Music Appreciation Course Description

Areas addressed in 7th Grade Music Appreciation are decades of music and how the history and life and time of the decade influenced the music. 

7th Grade Music Appreciation Course Rationale

The development of music-related skills and appreciation is vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. Therefore, the rationale for 7th Grade Music Appreciation course in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to develop an appreciation and understanding of many different styles of music.

8th Grade Music Appreciation Course Description

Areas addressed in 8th Grade Music Appreciation is genres in music and how music can change scenes in movies. Students then produce their own videos using music.

8th Grade Music Appreciation Course Rationale

The development of music-related skills and appreciation is vitally important to the development of well-rounded citizens in our ever-changing world. Therefore, the rationale for 8th Grade Music Appreciation course in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to develop an appreciation and understanding of many different styles of music.



6th Grade Gifted Course Rationale

The East Buchanan C-1 District's educational philosophy focuses on helping every student learn and develop his or her individual potential. Developing the individual potential of our gifted students is an especially challenging task and one that requires understanding of gifted students' unusual development and learning profiles. The program's basic beliefs about gifted students are: Gifted students are unique and are as different from one another as they are from the population as a whole. Gifted students exist in all cultural groups, within all economic levels, among populations with other special needs, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students learn differently and require special educational experiences in order to grow academically and achieve their highest potential. Gifted students, due to their heightened intellectual and social/emotional intensities, need support and encouragement from individuals who recognize, validate, and nurture their giftedness. The SAIL (Students Advancing In Learning) Program will address the cognitive and effective needs of the gifted student and will encourage the development of individual responsibility to school, community, and our changing society. The curriculum will be differentiated in content, environment, process, and product. Important elements of the curriculum are self-understanding, self-direction, and an appreciation of their own talents and abilities, as well as those of others. Acceleration is built into the curriculum and includes choices, questioning, resources and extensions/modifications. Choices include experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and involve differing levels of educational risk. Questioning is intended to spark new ideas, create connections in understanding, provide directions to student efforts, and affirm students knowledge. Resources provide a meaning for accommodating different learning styles and broadening student perspectives. Extensions/modifications help accommodate different learning rates and motivate students to pursue self-directed learning.

6th Grade Gifted Course Description

Gifted 6th Grade students should be able to initiate data retrieval through the use of technological sources, charts, surveys or graphs. They can then use these multiple sources of information to develop his/her own idea or create a presentation. 6th graders can determine two or more possible creative and realistic solutions to a problem, how to choose the best solution, and explain his/her reasoning. The student can identify patterns to develop new ideas by determining several possible cause/effect relationships and/or action/consequence relationships. They can initiate the development of a plan for their projects and activities, then work from that plan. The 6th grader actively listens to others, acknowledges their ideas, helps plan a compromise, and makes positive contributions to help the group achieve an outcome.

7th Grade Gifted Course Description

Gifted 7th grade students should be able to take more accurate notes from a variety of sources, using direct quotations, paraphrasing, and summarizing. They can then use these notes to make indifference about that data. 7th graders can also determine how an idea or solution interacts with many other systems and can clearly explain the interactions and their impact on one another. The student can independently reflect on work to improve or change his/her ideas. They can plan a complete presentation for an active audience that includes many good verbal presentation skills and quality visuals that clearly explain ideas. The 7th grader can recommend an action that their group could take after listening to and considering the relevance of others' ideas.

7th Grade Gifted Course Rationale

The East Buchanan C-1 District's educational philosophy focuses on helping every student learn and develop his or her individual potential. Developing the individual potential of our gifted students is an especially challenging task and one that requires understanding of gifted students' unusual development and learning profiles. The program's basic beliefs about gifted students are: Gifted students are unique and are as different from one another as they are from the population as a whole. Gifted students exist in all cultural groups, within all economic levels, among populations with other special needs, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students learn differently and require special educational experiences in order to grow academically and achieve their highest potential. Gifted students, due to their heightened intellectual and social/emotional intensities, need support and encouragement from individuals who recognize, validate, and nurture their giftedness. The SAIL (Students Advancing In Learning) Program will address the cognitive and effective needs of the gifted student and will encourage the development of individual responsibility to school, community, and our changing society. The curriculum will be differentiated in content, environment, process, and product. Important elements of the curriculum are self-understanding, self-direction, and an appreciation of their own talents and abilities, as well as those of others. Acceleration is built into the curriculum and includes choices, questioning, resources and extensions/modifications. Choices include experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and involve differing levels of educational risk. Questioning is intended to spark new ideas, create connections in understanding, provide directions to student efforts, and affirm students knowledge. Resources provide a meaning for accommodating different learning styles and broadening student perspectives. Extensions/modifications help accommodate different learning rates and motivate students to pursue self-directed learning.

8th Grade Gifted Course Description

Gifted 8th grade students should be able to record complete bibliographic data and cite the sources of all information noted. They can then examine these sources in terms of factors that would influence their reliability and validity. 8th Graders can also define a topic, problem or issue in an area of personal interest and develop questions as a guide fro their research. The student can demonstrate the effective allocation of time and resources in all independent assignments. They can use technology to impact the audience's understanding of the topic. The 8th grader can share the needed action in a positive way and encourages others to successfully accomplish the group goal.

8th Grade Gifted Course Rationale

The East Buchanan C-1 District's educational philosophy focuses on helping every student learn and develop his or her individual potential. Developing the individual potential of our gifted students is an especially challenging task and one that requires understanding of gifted students' unusual development and learning profiles. The program's basic beliefs about gifted students are: Gifted students are unique and are as different from one another as they are from the population as a whole. Gifted students exist in all cultural groups, within all economic levels, among populations with other special needs, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students learn differently and require special educational experiences in order to grow academically and achieve their highest potential. Gifted students, due to their heightened intellectual and social/emotional intensities, need support and encouragement from individuals who recognize, validate, and nurture their giftedness. The SAIL (Students Advancing In Learning) Program will address the cognitive and effective needs of the gifted student and will encourage the development of individual responsibility to school, community, and our changing society. The curriculum will be differentiated in content, environment, process, and product. Important elements of the curriculum are self-understanding, self-direction, and an appreciation of their own talents and abilities, as well as those of others. Acceleration is built into the curriculum and includes choices, questioning, resources and extensions/modifications. Choices include experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and involve differing levels of educational risk. Questioning is intended to spark new ideas, create connections in understanding, provide directions to student efforts, and affirm students knowledge. Resources provide a meaning for accommodating different learning styles and broadening student perspectives. Extensions/modifications help accommodate different learning rates and motivate students to pursue self-directed learning.


Health & P.E.

6th Grade Physical Education Course Rationale

The healthy, physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to promote in students proper physical development, healthy lifestyles, and the desire to engage in life-long fitness and leisure activities.

6th Grade Physical Education Course Description

The purpose of 6th Grade Physical Education is to promote students' personal development of fitness, lifetime wellness, leisure activities, and individual and ground activities. Areas addressed include a variety of lifetime and leisure activities; lifetime health, wellness, and fitness; and participation skills.

7th Grade Physical Education Course Decription

The purpose of 7th Grade Physical Education is to promote students' personal development of fitness, lifetime wellness, leisure activities, and individual and ground activities. Areas addressed include a variety of lifetime and leisure activities; lifetime health, wellness, and fitness; and participation skills.

7th Grade Physical Education Course Rationale

The healthy, physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to promote in students proper physical development, healthy lifestyles, and the desire to engage in life-long fitness and leisure activities.

8th Grade Physical Education Course Description

The purpose of 8th Grade Physical Education is to promote students' personal development of fitness, lifetime wellness, leisure activities, and individual and ground activities. Areas addressed include a variety of lifetime and leisure activities; lifetime health, wellness, and fitness; and participation skills.

8th Grade Physical Education Course Rationale

The healthy, physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to promote in students proper physical development, healthy lifestyles, and the desire to engage in life-long fitness and leisure activities.

8th Grade Health Education Course Description

Areas address in Health Education include personal health, nutrition, food labels, body systems, and body ailments.

8th Grade Health Education Course Rationale

The healthy, physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish habits of behavior that will foster good health throughout life, thereby enhancing the quality of life. The rationale for all Health and Physical Education courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to help students acquire the health, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to achieve or maintain their potential for total health.



6th Grade Math Course Description

The purpose of 6th Grade Mathematics is to provide students with basic understanding of how to solve problems and apply learned concepts in everyday situations. Areas addressed in 6th Grade Mathematics should focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking per the Missouri Learning Standards. 

6th Grade Math Course Rationale

To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such the rationale for 6th Grade Mathematics in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students basic knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching 6th Grade Mathematics we provide opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.

7th  Grade Math Investigations Course Description

The purpose of 7th Grade Math Investigation is to provide students with basic understanding of how to solve problems and apply learned concepts in everyday situations. Areas addressed in 7th Grade Math Investigations should focus on real-world, hands-on Math activities, that would stimulate problem solving. 

7th Grade Math Investigations Course Rationale

To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such the rationale for 7th Grade Math Investigations in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students basic knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching 7th Grade Math Investigations we provide opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society. 

7th Grade Math Course Description

The purpose of 7th Grade Mathematics is to provide students with an advanced understanding of basic mathematical concepts addressed in previous grade levels. Areas addressed in 7th Grade Mathematics will include rational numbers and algebra with a special emphasis being placed on problem solving and rigor. 

7th Grade Math Course Rationale

To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such, the rationale for 7th Grade Mathematics in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students more advanced understanding of basic knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations to everyday situations. In teaching 7th Grade Mathematics we provide the opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.

7th/8th Grade Pre-Algebra Course Description

The purpose of 7th/8th Grade Pre-Algebra is to provide students with the necessary preparation for more advanced math coerces. Areas addressed in 7th/8th Grade Pre-Algebra include geometry, linear equations, real numbers and their application with a special emphasis on problem solving.

7th/8th Grade Pre-Algebra Course Rationale

To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such, the rationale for 7th/8th Grade Pre-Algebra in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students an advanced understanding of knowledge and skills needed to prepare them for future advanced math courses. In teaching 7th/8th Grade Pre-Algebra we provide the opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.

8th Grade Math Investigations Course Description

The purpose of 8th Grade Math Investigations is to provide students with basic understanding of how to solve problems and apply learned concepts in everyday situations. Areas addressed in 8th Grade Math Investigations should focus on real-world hands-on Math activities. The students will do more STEM activities and hands-on problem solving.

8th Grade Math Investigation Course Rationale

To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such the rationale for 8th Grade Math Investigations in East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to develop in students basic knowledge and skills needed to apply mathematical skills and concepts in a variety of challenging problem-solving situations. In teaching 8th Grade Math Investigations we provide opportunities for each student to become a productive individual in our society.

8th Grade Algebra I Course Description

Algebra I is a year-long course designed for students to obtain a fundamental working knowledge of the basic principles of Algebra and its role in other subjects. This course will involve the study of, but not limited to, functions, linear equations, linear inequalities, polynomials, quadratic equations and functions and exponential functions.

8th Grade Algebra I Course Rationale

To function effectively in our society, citizens must demonstrate not only the ability to utilize basic mathematical skills and functions, but must also be able to gather, analyze, and apply information in solving challenging problems. As such the rationale for 8th Grade Algebra I courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to develop in students knowledge and skills needed for a better understanding of terminology, symbols, and the basic structure of the real number system and their applications to solutions of problems in the everyday workplace.



6th Grade Band Course Description

6th grade Band is the first full year in a seven-year program designed to develop a student's musical abilities through a study of instrumental music. The East Buchanan Band program includes flue, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, and percussion. Students learn the fundamentals necessary to properly hold and produce a characteristic sound on a band instrument. Instrument care and proper rehearsal etiquette are taught and practiced. Topics will include music literacy, posture, tone, articulation, fingering/not accuracy, genres, and ensemble performance. Students participate in a minimum of one concert each semester.

6th Grade Band Course Rationale

The Instrumental Music program is designed to enhance the musical, creative and expressive qualities of all students. Musical opportunities are provided for every student to learn the basic skills of signing, playing and reading music, developing song repertoire, broadening listening skills and experiencing the interrelated nature of music with other cultures and content areas. 

7th Grade Band Course Description

7th grade Band is the second full year in a seven-year program designed to continue to develop the student's ability in instrumental music. Music literacy skills are reinforced. Additional instruments may be added such as tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, and bass clarinet. Students will continue to refine posture, tone, articulation, fingering/note accuracy, and ensemble performance. Students participate in a minimum of one concert each semester.

7th Grade Band Course Rationale

The Instrumental Music program is designed to enhance the musical, creative and expressive qualities of all students. Musical opportunities are provided for every student to learn the basic skills of signing, playing and reading music, developing song repertoire, broadening listening skills and experiencing the interrelated nature of music with other cultures and content areas. 

8th Grade Band Course Description

8th grade Band is the third full year in a seven-year program designed to continue to develop the student's ability in instrumental music. Additional instruments may be added such as tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, and bass clarinet. 8th grade Band emphasizes the development of basic wind and percussion skills such as tone production, breath control, technical advancement, and articulations. Band music of various periods and styles is studied throughout the school year. Students participate in a minimum of one concert each semester.

8th Grade Band Course Rationale

The Instrumental Music program is designed to enhance the musical, creative and expressive qualities of all students. Musical opportunities are provided for every student to learn the basic skills of signing, playing and reading music, developing song repertoire, broadening listening skills and experiencing the interrelated nature of music with other cultures and content areas. 

6th Grade Choir Course Description

East Buchanan Middle School choirs are choral ensembles that focus on the development of comprehensive choral musicianship through the rehearsal and performance experience. Members will be exposed to a breadth of music literature with an emphasis on high quality performance and thorough understanding. Students will also gain musical skills including ear training, sight singing, solfege, and emotional connection to the music. All of these will be learned through the lenses of collaboration, creativity, and communication. 

6th Grade Choir Course Rationale

The Vocal Music Program is designed to enhance the musical, creative and expressive qualities of all students. Musical opportunities are provided for every child to learn the basic skills of singing and reading music, developing song repertoire, broadening listening skills and experiencing the interrelated nature of music with other cultures and content areas.

7th Grade Choir Course Description

East Buchanan Middle School choirs are choral ensembles that focus on the development of comprehensive choral musicianship through the rehearsal and performance experience. Members will be exposed to a breadth of music literature with an emphasis on high quality performance and thorough understanding. Students will also gain musical skills including ear training, sight singing, solfege, and emotional connection to the music. All of these will be learned through the lenses of collaboration, creativity, and communication. 

7th Grade Choir Course Rationale

The Vocal Music Program is designed to enhance the musical, creative and expressive qualities of all students. Musical opportunities are provided for every child to learn the basic skills of singing and reading music, developing song repertoire, broadening listening skills and experiencing the interrelated nature of music with other cultures and content areas.

8th Grade Choir Course Description

East Buchanan Middle School choirs are choral ensembles that focus on the development of comprehensive choral musicianship through the rehearsal and performance experience. Members will be exposed to a breadth of music literature with an emphasis on high quality performance and thorough understanding. Students will also gain musical skills including ear training, sight singing, solfege, and emotional connection to the music. All of these will be learned through the lenses of collaboration, creativity, and communication. 

8th Grade Choir Course Rationale

The Vocal Music Program is designed to enhance the musical, creative and expressive qualities of all students. Musical opportunities are provided for every child to learn the basic skills of singing and reading music, developing song repertoire, broadening listening skills and experiencing the interrelated nature of music with other cultures and content areas.



6th Grade Science Course Rationale

Due to the demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for all Science courses in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to address the need to understand and solve complex problems related to their physical and biological environment. When faced with scientific issues, challenges, and concerns, an adequate background will provide invaluable knowledge and skills upon which wise positions can be made and supported. 

6th Grade Science Course Description

The purpose of 6th Grade Science is to enhance student learning in the life, earth, and physical science areas. Areas addressed in 6th Grade Science include a study of scientific inquiry, the history of science, Waves (sound, mechanical, and Electromagnetic) and their interactions with life, plant and animal cells, endangered species, chemistry, physical and chemical changes, Earth's surface and atmosphere, plate tectonics, and human interaction with the environment. The interrelationships among these areas will also be addressed. 

7th Grade Science Course Description

The purpose of 7th Grade Science is to enhance student learning in life, earth, and physical sciences. Areas addressed in 7th Grade Science include the metric system, force, motion, work, forms of energy: heat, electricity, energy, weather, and climate, objects and their motion in the solar system, inquiry, and science technology and human activity.

7th Grade Science Course Rationale

Due to the demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for 7th Grade Science in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to further address the need to develop in students knowledge and skills needed to understand and solve complex problems in the physical earth, and life sciences. 

8th Grade Science Course Description

The purpose of 8th Grade Science is to enhance student learning in life, earth, and physical sciences. Areas addressed in 8th Grade Science include inquiry, physical and chemical properties, changes of matter, cells and body systems, reproduction and heredity, rock cycle and tectonics, science technology and human activity.

8th Grade Science Course Rationale

Due to the demands of an increasingly complex and technologically oriented society, it is vitally important that citizens become self-sufficient analyzers of their environment. As such, the rationale for 8th Grade Science in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to further address the need to develop in students knowledge and skills needed to understand and solve complex problems in the physical earth, and life sciences. 


Social Studies

6th Grade Social Studies Course Rationale

The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for 6th Grade Social Studies in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to help students attain knowledge of geographic, economic, political, and social systems throughout the world. This knowledge will help students to develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. 

6th Grade Social Studies Course Decription

The purpose of 6th Grade Social Studies is to provide students with a core knowledge related to nations and cultures of the world. Areas addressed in 6th Grade Social Studies include the geographic, economic, political, and social systems of countries and regions around the world, and extensive research skills. Understanding of other cultures, along with their daily issues is a key to understanding history and geography.

7th Grade Social Studies Course Description

The purpose of 7th Grade Social Studies is for students to acquire a general knowledge base in the four areas of world history, geography, economics, and government. World history highlights various cultures in chronological format. Geography skills are used as the students examine various cultures throughout history. Economic and government concepts are addressed throughout the year. Critical thinking activities and historical research round out the course.

8th Grade Social Studies Course Description

The purpose of 8th Grade Social Studies is to provide students with an understanding of the formation of the United States and the development of our American governmental system. Areas addressed in 8th Grade Social Studies include an overview of American History from Ancient America to Westward Expansion. The development of the United States through the Pre-Colonial, Colonial, Revolution, and Post-Revolution Eras introduce the U.S. Constitution, the federal system of government, the American economic system, and major elements of the United States in addition to world geography. Historical research and critical thinking are components of this course.

7th Grade Social Studies Course Rationale

The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for 6th Grade Social Studies in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to develop in students knowledge of early civilizations who helped shape American government, society, and economics. 

8th Grade Social Studies Course Rationale

The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Instruction in Social Studies seeks to educate and to develop fully the readiness of students to participate in such a democracy. The rationale for 6th Grade Social Studies in the East Buchanan C-1 School District is to develop in students knowledge of our constitution, government, and economic systems present in our nation.


Visual Arts

6th Grade Visual Arts Course Description

The purpose of 6th Grade Visual Arts is to explore materials and develop basic art skills in a variety of media, methods, and techniques. Areas addressed in 6th Grade Visual Arts includes drawing and design, painting, clay and multimedia sculptures, fiber arts, art history, individual and class critiques, and sketchbooks.

6th Grade Visual Arts Course Rationale

Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.

7th Grade Visual Arts Course Description

The purpose of 7th Grade Visual Arts is to explore materials and better develop art skills in a variety of media, methods, and techniques. Areas addressed in 7th Grade Visual Art include realistic and abstract design drawings, painting, clay and multimedia sculptures, graphic design, art history, individual and class critiques, and sketchbooks. 

7th Grade Visual Arts Course Rationale

Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.

8th Grade Visual Arts Course Description

The purpose of 8th Grade Visual Arts is to explore materials and better develop art skills in a variety of media, methods, and techniques. Areas addressed in 8th Grade Visual Art include realistic and abstract design drawings, painting, color theory, clay and multimedia sculptures, art history, individual and class critiques, and sketchbooks. 

8th Grade Visual Arts Course Rationale

Visual Arts production provides a means for creativity, problem solving, self-expression, and the ability to respond to the artistic communications of others through analyzation and interpretation. Creating visual art provides a way for students to actively use materials and techniques to demonstrate feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.

© 2017-2018 East Buchanan C-1 Schools

100 Smith Street, Gower, MO 64454


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