Family, Community, and School
Working together, learning for all.
The East Buchanan Schools are classified “Accredited with Distinction in Performance” by the Missouri State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This is the highest classification rating issued by the state of Missouri. This indicates that the school district has reached certain desired standards in the quality and quantity of its instructional program.

We, the students, faculty, and parents of the East Buchanan School District, believe each student is unique, all students can learn, and education must provide the opportunity for the maximum intellectual, physical, social, and career development of the students. Together, we will help the students realize their fullest potential as individuals, enhance their self-esteem, and lead them toward becoming productive members of society. We believe students must be challenged and must be active participants in the learning process. We believe everyone's encouragement and support will promote the highest possible student achievement.

March 24, 2025
In Session Day--Make Up
April 17-21, 2025
Easter Break--NO SCHOOL
May 18, 2025
High School Graduation
Important Information